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Coronavirus disease

Coronavirus disease is one of the modern diseases that have appeared, Although it is a new disease, it has spread widely in the world, However, scientists did not find an effective treatment for it, but they were able to make some vaccines that help humans fight this virus. What is Coronavirus disease: Coronavirus disease Coronavirus disease: It is a large family of viruses, but It consists of genetic material in the middle part of it, Shows in their casings many protein spikes. Above all,It shares many common characteristics and symptoms with influenza viruses. He made his debut in Wuhan, China. What are the symptoms of corona virus disease: symptoms : The Corona virus has a different effect on people. This is due to several factors, the most important of which are: For example, The nature of the affected body. The strength of a person's resistance to diseases. Possessing the affected person with other diseases. The psychological strength of the affected person. The condition c

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